
  • Games
  • Websites


During TechStars Paris's acceleration program, we built Inyo. It's a tool to ease the communication between a freelancer and their client.


As always fascinated by graphics design, I worked on Prototypo. It's a typedesign tool that can help you build the font you want and the technology behind enables us to showcase interactive visual experiments.

Brezeliad: A Tale of Brocéliande

It has been promoted in Stunfest 2014. Made in C++ with SFML 2.1, it's about local history from where I was born.
More informations on the website's game.


Game made in 2014 during Global Game Jam (video game making in 48 hours). This game is a concept in which the player moves towards blindly in his memory and must guide himself to some points. It was made in C++ with SFML 2.1.

Heart of Jump

Game made in 2013 during Global Game Jam (contest to create a video game in 48 hours). This game is mixing rythm and runner game. It has been made in C++ with SFML 2.0.


French website about video games made by people during their free time. The current website is not mine.

8-Bit Robot Music Party

Game made in 2011 during highschool in a contest organised by engineer school EFREI. It mixes rythm and platforms game. With it, we won 3 prizes : 2nd place in Software category, Favorite prize and Special prize.

What's next ?

Interested in visual experiments and interactivity. Teach and train people with things I know motivates me too!

Next ?

A life is made with experiments.
Let's try to make it count !

CONTROL PAD1 START2昔々、ケンという人は起これなくなりました。敵は家族を威嚇するから、お前はもう死んでいると言っていまして、敵がすぐに死んでしまいました。これから、家に変えた後で、何もめでたしめでたし。起こらなかった。